Saturday, December 31, 2011

Its almost a new year. And as i was looking back through all the posts I have drafted but haven't posted I came across this gem. Which just happens to feel nostalgic to me, the colors, it just makes me feel like I'm wishing for something I can't get back. Which is perfect because on new years eve don't we all feel that way? Your excited for whats coming next but you always look back at the last year and wish for some of those great moments back. Its an entire day devoted to looking a head and back, but never really looking to much at the present. So I propose that tonight while you are all dressed in your glitter or sequins that you live for the night and don't worry about what 2011 was or wasn't, and who cares what 2012 might be. Tonight its just a night to spend with friends and enjoy that time. Because we all need nights like tonight. So take the chance and run with it.